JELLYFISHERIES – Towards an integrated approach to enhance predictive accuracy of jellyfish impact on coastal marine ecosystem

JELLYFISHERIES – Towards an integrated approach to enhance predictive accuracy of jellyfish impact on coastal marine ecosystem

Abstract/ Aim
Knowing the consequences of global and anthropogenic local climate change on marine ecosystems and the direct impact of those changes on the various economic activities associated with the sea, the JELLYFISHERIES project focuses on the evaluation of a key population of aquatic organisms (the gelatinous), recognized as important trophic markers of ecological changes to, through a multidisciplinary approach, characterize the current state of these populations; assess the causes and effects of their blooms on the trophic chains of coastal ecosystems and their consequences on tourism, industry and fisheries, as well as seeking to develop synergies with similar international scientific programs.

Jellyfishes and gelatinous aquatic organisms; Global anthropogenic changes; DNA barcoding; Predictive models

Interdisciplinary Centre of Marine and Environmental Research – CIIMAR/CIMAR; Center of Sciences of the Sea of the Algarve – CCMAR; Portuguese Institute of the Sea and the Atmosphere – IPMA; GEOMAR (Germany); University of Gothenburg (Sweden)

Coordinator MARE-Polytechnic of Leiria: Sérgio Leandro –

Funding: 96.957,00€ (MARE-Polytechnic of Leiria) | POCI – Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização/FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia // Duration 2016-2019(2020)