NEURONS4 – New Edge in the therapeUtics of PaRkinsON´s diSeaSe from SeaweedS (Ongoing)
Sustainable StonebyPORTUGAL agenda (Ongoing)
ORCHESTRA – add-value to ORCHards through thE full valoriSaTion of macRoalgAe (Concluded)
Algelo – ice supplemented with seaweeds (Concluded)
Development of edible biofilms with marine organism extracts for food application (Concluded)
e-Fishing – New molecular tools to support fisheries management (Concluded)
i.FILM – Multifunctional Films for Intelligent and Active Applications (Concluded)
INOVMINERAL 4.0 – Advanced Technologies and Software for Mineral Resources (Concluded)
Invasive seaweeds as a source of natural compounds to fight orchards phytopathogens (Concluded)
INTSIN – Integration of carbon and hormone signaling in plants (Concluded)
MarTics – Marine bioactive compounds for neurological disorders therapeutics (Concluded)
New sources of phycocolloids from the Peniche Coast macro-algae invaders (Concluded)
POINT4PAC – Precision Oncology by Innovative Therapies and Technologies (Concluded)
ProTEoME – PROteomic Tools to assess Endocrine disruptiOn MEchanisms (Concluded)
SeaFilm: Development of edible film for sustainable fish freezing (Concluded)
Seaweed soaps, flavoured with plants form the Nazaré coast: production of prototypes (Concluded)
Seaweed Toilet Soap: Product development and knowledge transfer (Concluded)
SnRK1 regulation and cross-talk with the ABA pathway (Concluded)
Spirulina growth potential assessment (Concluded)