TecPesca – Fisheries technologies and selectivity

The overall objective of the project is to promote the transition towards the landing obligation by adjusting catch technologies and good fishing practices, adopting measures that reduce or eliminate unwanted fractions of the catch and promote the quality of the fish caught. The aim is thus to contribute to better management and conservation of marine resources, promoting ecologically sustainable and economically efficient fisheries. The specific objectives are: a) The identification of the main coastal fisheries in the continental EEZ, including the fisheries of the multipurpose fleet, with a view to a definition of the vessels involved in the different case studies of the project; b) The up-to-date characterization of the fleets, including the on-board conditioning and refrigeration systems, the gear used, the fishing operations and the spatial occupation of the fisheries defined as case studies; c) The development of innovative fishing gear and practices from the point of view of selectivity and commercially sustainable in trawl, gillnet and trammel net fisheries; d) The development of a technological system for automatic acquisition of information on fishing operations; e) The development of a participatory approach, including exchange between stakeholders, on the use of ecologically and economically sustainable practices and the dissemination of the project results to the sector; f) The evaluation of the quality of the products resulting from the proposed changes and adjustments, through a comprehensive palette of methods to control freshness levels, food safety and nutritional value.

Good fishing practices; Management; Conservation; Innovative fishing gear;  Participatory approach; Economically sustainable

Portuguese Institute for Sea and Atmosphere (IPMA) (Coord.)

MARE-Polytechnic of Leiria: Sérgio Leandro – sergio.leandro@ipleiria.pt

52.845.53€ (MARE-Polytechnic of Leiria) | Portuguese Institute for Sea and Atmosphere (IPMA) // Duration 2021